December 18, 2023
PHEAA Virtual Financial Aid Night Presentation
Join us for a virtual Financial Aid Night presentation conducted by PA Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). This present...

December 14, 2023
New to EJHS this year is "The Golden Tiger Award"! This award does not have an academic requirement like the SOM award. We want to recognize those who are often not eligible f...

December 12, 2023
Check out some of the latest art work done by students in Mrs. Kerstetter's class and wood working projects completed by Mr. Roush's students.

December 7, 2023
Recently Ms. Goulstone and Mrs. Trent (an IUP alumni) took a group of 11th and 12th grade students on a campus tour of Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Being able to tour a col...

December 5, 2023
EJHS is pleased to announce it's November students of the month! Students are chosen by staff members based on grades, attitude, participation, being a role model and more. Congra...

December 4, 2023
Check out the latest addition of our school newsletter ....

November 28, 2023
Recently students from our Christian Fellowship club collected items from fellow classmates and staff members to help pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. 15-20 students...

November 16, 2023
The Life Skills classroom took a field trip to Little Buffalo State Park for a science program. They completed a nature walk, a bird-watching scavenger hunt and a mammal identifi...

November 6, 2023
Last week we celebrated Halloween at EJHS. Students and staff were both encouraged to participate in the fun!! Staff voted for the best student costumes in various categories and...

November 1, 2023
View the latest edition of our newsletter at https://www.canva.com/design/D...

October 30, 2023
Plans for the weekend?? Come check out East Juniata's talented students in their rendition of Sherlock Holmes. You can catch the show Friday, Nov. 3 and Saturday, Nov. 4 at 7:0...

October 27, 2023
Our students had the opportunity to visit three different bookstore this past Saturday with Mrs. Hund and Mr. Sheeler. Students visited Cupboard Maker books (they have cats!) The...

October 24, 2023
New to EJHS this year is "The Golden Tiger Award"! This award does not have an academic requirement like the SOM award. We want to recognize those who are often not eligible f...

October 18, 2023
We had the pleasure to host State Representative David Rowe at our school on Friday, October 13. Representative Rowe got to tour the school, visit various classrooms and talk wit...
October 16, 2023
Mrs. Hund took her AP Literature and Intro to Theater class to visit the Renaissance Faire on Thursday, October 5. Her students had fun seeing all the different shows, costumes an...

October 13, 2023
EJHS is pleased to announce it's October students of the month! Students are chosen by staff members based on grades, attitude, participation, being a role model and more. Congrat...

October 6, 2023
Congratulations to Mrs. Cameron for being named Staffulty of the Month. We are blessed to have Mrs. Cameron as part as our staff here at East Juniata. Check out what our studen...

October 5, 2023
Strawbridge Studios will be returning to East Juniata High School on Thursday, October 26 for picture retakes. If you were unsatisfied with your student's first picture, please re...

October 3, 2023
Check out the October Edition of our newsletter! https://www.canva.com/design/D...

September 25, 2023
EJHS juniors (and some others) traveled to Juniata High School to attend the College and Career Fair. Students were able to talk to representatives from community colleges, univer...