
Thanks to JP, our very own Free Little Library has been posted near the front entrance of the school. At the start of the school year, Jacey Brubaker came to me with the suggestion to build and install a library. I received a grant from Pennian Bank to purchase a Little Library kit. Jacey and Devin Graybill built and stained the library over Christmas break. During the 3rd marking period, my students made book recommendations and wrote reviews for some of their favorites. We purchased many of these books used (and students donated as well). We have tucked the reviews inside the books that are currently in the library.

I was encouraged by the initiative of these students; it's wonderful that there are still kids who enjoy reading and recommending books to others. This little library is for everyone--students, faculty, and community members--to utilize and enjoy. You can borrow books and also donate books as you'd like.  

Mrs. Lightner